10 Business Confidence Killers & Boosters
I recently did a poll on the top confidence killers in business. Low and behold it was the same 10 that kept popping up over and over... and over again.
Photo Credit: Heather Pennell
If you're experiencing any of these, you are NOT alone, and no need to worry I've got some hot, unconventional confidence boosters to bring your confidence back to life!
Confidence Killer #1:
Comparing yourself and your business to others (the worst!)
Confidence Booster:
Remember that each person has their own "zone of genius" and has their own path. Plus, the majority of people you are comparing yourself have probably been doing their thing a longer than you. To boost your confidence focus on your strengths and when you see someone that is doing something you'd like to be doing or has something you'd like to have say to yourself "that's for me." Just because you aren't there yet, doesn't mean you won't ever be!
Confidence Killer #2:
"Launching" or making an offering and hearing crickets...
Confidence Booster:
Give yourself a HUGE hug and pat on the back - you at least did it! There are thousands of people around the world just thinking about it but never putting themselves out there. You did it! That's the first step to success and you are well on your way. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and do it better next time.
A few ideas for next time: Make sure you are clear on your target market and what they are wanting, have a specific result/benefit focused title, reach out months before putting it out into the world and get support in sharing it, give lots of value before making an offer.
Confidence Killer #3:
Working with clients or on projects that aren't the perfect fit (either in your zone of genius or they just aren't that nice/enjoyable).
There are often projects and people you can do and help... but is it what you are really best at?? If not it can seriously drain your energy and your confidence levels.
Confidence Booster:
Get really clear on the type of projects and clients that light you up. Before taking on a new client/project check in with yourself (just like a "dating list"), is it really what you want to be focusing your energy and time on? Is this client/project in alignment with what you really do best? Here's an article on some ideas of what to include on your check list.
Confidence Killer #4:
Negative feedback (including those nasty triggered responses from strangers on your Youtube video about your voice, complexion, video quality...).
Confidence Booster:
Keep a file on your computer or in a notebook of all the love notes/gratitude/testimonials/positive feedback/thank-you's you've ever received for easy access. There will always be people that benefit from you being you, and even more when you share it in a bigger way. Yes, the more visible you are the more others will have something negative to say, but that also means there are even more people who truly need what you are sharing and benefiting from it.
Focus on service and when you need to remind yourself spend a couple minutes (or hours) soaking up all the love and reviewing your "Love" folder or notebook.
Confidence Killer #5:
Lack of clarity.
Confidence Booster:
Just for a moment (or a lot of moments) quit trying to figure it out. Stop grasping for that clarity. The more you grasp the more illusive it gets. Instead focus on what you DO know. Sometimes a lot of clarity can come just from focusing on what you DON'T want or aren't good at. Focus on what you know then go have some fun. Take action. Then clarity will come.
Confidence Killer #6:
Random negative thoughts such as...
"I'm not good enough"
"Everyone else is doing this better than I am"
"I should be further along than I am"
"Who do I think I am to be doing this!?"
"I'm too young/old/tall/short/fat/skinny/awkward/shy..."
Confidence Booster:
Have a support network/success circle of other entrepreneurs who *get it* that you feel safe with to share your thoughts so they can quickly relate with you, give you some love...and snap you out of it!
Don't have that just yet? Remember that EVERYONE has those thoughts.
You are NOT the only one going through what you are going through. And, you are frickin' awesome. You are good enough. You are doing what you are doing as best you can. You are meant to be doing this - at least right now. You're exactly where you're meant to be and as far along as you should be. You are just the right age/height/weight/awkwardness level/shyness level to do whatever it is you have set out to do.
Write the above done in a place you can see it regularly. Now hop to it.
Confidence Killer #7:
Lack of creativity or inspiration.
Confidence Booster:
Let go of "having" to have the creative inspiration and go do something that brings you pleasure. Letting go of attachment and just following your path of pleasure and enjoyment will naturally bring inspiration at the perfect time.
Confidence Killer #8:
When a seemingly perfect client comes along and says they need you...and then they decide not to work with you.
Confidence Booster:
When having conversations with others who really do genuinely need what you have to offer, do your best to remain committed to their success and desires AND unattached. Easier said that done, I know. As long as you are committed to holding them to their highest and they still don't take the step forward in getting your help, just know that not everyone is ready. Treat them with respect and let them know you are here for them when they are ready.
Hold space for an even more ideal client popping into your world that is ready, and willing to invest in themselves through working with you. This or something better.
Confidence Killer #9:
Thinking you don't have enough experience or credibility.
Confidence Booster:
Make a list of all the reasons why you ARE qualified. Ask someone in your success circle to tell you what they see in you - why they think you are qualified, credible or have enough experience to do ________.
Confidence Killer #10:
Confidence Booster:
First of all stop looking and focusing on this, please. Second of all remember that you are running a business. What matters in making a difference, serving your purpose... and making money! If someone unsubscribes or un-likes your page it's because they may not need what you have right now, which means they won't buy and they won't benefit.
No biggie. It's better to have a list of engaged folks that are actively interested in what you are sharing and offering than a list of people who aren't paying attention, opening emails or interested in investing in your offers.
It's a blessing, really.
If you could use support when you're feeling drained, overwhelmed or unsatisfied with the state of your business, come join our sisterhood here, as part of the Soulful Success Tribe.