I'm Sorry
I’m sorry.
I’m sorry for all the times I hired help, and wasn’t fully capable of receiving it all.
I’m sorry for the times I’ve judged or been resentful for not getting everything I wanted out of a program.
I’m sorry for all the times I checked out and didn’t finish a program because I wasn’t letting myself be fully present.
I’m sorry for the times I’ve not wanted to celebrate someone else because I didn’t feel celebrated, and as a result not let myself receive the full value of others' offerings (ooph that one’s extra hard to admit).
I’m sorry to myself for all the times I didn’t let myself receive or ask for what I really, really wanted.
Have you been there?
Most of my clients have notoriously had a hard time letting in support, and even when they do, they’ve had a hard time really receiving it fully.
And, I get it...
I get what it’s like to feel like your value is attached to being of service, and not needing anything.
I get what it’s like to be independent and capable and to simultaneously feel the weight of… everything... on your shoulders and chest.
I get what it’s like to not want to need anything because if you do then you immediately lose credibility and value.
I also get what it’s like to start asking for help and hiring help, and to still hold back from asking for everything you desire (or to not even know what you CAN ask for).
Being able to truly let in and lean back into support (and release that heavy burden of holding it all) doesn’t come from just hiring support, it comes from doing the deeper work around beliefs and identity so they are more in alignment with it being/feeling SAFE to ask for and receive support.
This is a big part of what we do in the Work Less, Make More Intensive (which is done privately 1x1, and is virtual via zoom + pre/post session support).
My clients are experts in the fields of marketing, human design, quantum leaping, leadership training, sex & relationship coaching, business and more.
And they’ve all chosen to do a Work Less, Make More Intensive because deep down they know they won’t be able to sustainably, healthily and happily keep growing their business IF they don’t address underlying patterns that keep them stuck overworking & over delivering at the sacrifice of themselves (because their own value has been so deeply tied to being the person that doesn’t need anything and gives a SHIT TON of value).
Thankfully we work fast & deep and we keep it simple and as enjoyable as possible so your nervous system and subconscious can take it alllll in with the most ease and speed possible.
And, because I love strategy and action steps as much as you do, we’ll look at the external shifts that need to be implemented in addition to the internal ones, so you can see, know and feel how your business will increase its revenue and/or profit while grinding it out less (but still providing a shit ton of value… just from a different, more nourished place).
In my humble opinion, this intensive is essential for established business owners who want to ensure they don’t burn out, or stay stuck at an income ceiling they don’t want to be stuck at… in the most enjoyable & efficient way possible.
I know this work can feel hard to face & easy to dismiss (lord knows how our egos love to say that working less, enjoyment, pleasure, and doing this inner work aren't the most productive ROI activities or investments). I know it can feel uncomfortable to let someone in to support you deeply through this.
It's an honour and true privilege to do this work, one that I don't take lightly.
And I need you to know this work not only has a positive ROI directly, but also indirectly, with ripples out for years and years to come.
For example one of my clients received her first ever $100k cash (yes, paid in full) client AND connected with a hot new love within 3 weeks of our session.
All because she no longer believed she had to sacrifice one thing (money) for another (love) and was no longer held back by the belief that she had to sacrifice what she so deeply wanted (deep support, nourishment and love).
If you’d like to book or get all the details, you can click here to get started.
P.S. - There's a 1/2 price case study spot that just opened up for tomorrow, as well as 2 new spots open in April now that I've postponed my retreat in Costa Rica - these will fill up fast, so don't hesitate to reply and ask Qs. Click here to learn more and snag your spot.