The 2 Types of Boundaries And Why You Want Both In Business
If you’ve been in business for awhile, you’ll know the distinct feeling of a client crossing your boundary. The quick tightening in the chest and the resounding “noooope” in your mind.
By now you’re aware of the effects of having too loose or non-existent boundaries in your business.
What you may not know is that there’s actually 2 types of boundaries, and as a visionary, growth oriented business owner, you’re going to want to have both in your business.
Boundary Type #1: Reactionary
These are the types of boundaries you’ve likely already got into place (although they may be due for some upgrades).
Reactionary boundaries are typically the ones that you identify as a result of experiencing something that doesn’t feel good/correct. For example: A client knows that they are meant to make their monthly payments on the same day every month. But for the second month in a row they are a week late and don’t communicate about it.
At that point we recognize one of 3 things:
You didn’t clearly communicate the boundary/ standard you have on this. This could mean it’s a NEW boundary you are just now identifying OR that it’s one you were aware of but never communicated to the other person.
You have communicated it and next you need to bring it up again + name the consequence of it happening again.
You’ve named it clearly, shared the consequences but aren’t willing to enforce consequences so the other person knows they can keep pushing the boundary with no consequence. In this case you get to evaluate if it’s a boundary and consequence you really want to keep and if so, why are you not willing to honour it for yourself.
With reactionary boundaries, if they aren’t in place or aren’t enforced - this is where your energy will leak very quickly and you will feel it.
Boundary Type #2: Visionary
Visionary Boundaries are often the trickier ones to enforce because they aren’t necessary, and you won’t feel the energy leak (at least as intensely) like you do with Reactionary ones. In other words, it’s easier to get away with not having or enforcing your Visionary Boundaries.
However, if you are someone who values growth and does have a big vision you are moving forwards, having Visionary Boundaries in place will allow you to move towards that vision with more ease and potentially speed.
This is because Visionary Boundaries call you to put into place new boundaries BEFORE they are needed - before you’ve had an experience that causes you to react and identify them.
With VB, you get to feel into your future self, the version of you who is living your big vision already, and ask her what boundaries she has in place to support her.
Then you get to implement those boundaries NOW. In many cases that can prevent you from having to experience the reactionary challenges that would lead to you identifying the RB - because you are being clear, direct and embodied in your standards and boundaries before attracting someone who would show them to you otherwise.
These are the more challenging boundaries to hold for yourself because you won’t feel the consequence of not upholding them … until you do. This means your mind might say things like “oh, well just for this week I won’t worry about doing that…” or “I don’t really neeeed to get up at 7am/weightlift/ get into nature… today.”
Another key point I should make about VB is that they are often more subtle or random… and usually less logical. They may seem like they don’t have a lot to do with business too.
These come as guidance from your Higher Self/Future Self vs. your logical mind or reactive self.
Because these don’t have the immediate felt consequence of RB, it seems to be helpful to put in place one or both of these: Celebration and Consequences. Celebrate yourself frequently as you uphold these VB for yourself. And, you can create your own consequences to implement if you don’t uphold them.
Most importantly when you are feeling resistance to them, come back to your big vision and remember that these Visionary Boundaries are supporting you in becoming the human that is living that life.
What Reactionary Boundaries are you being guided to put into place or uplevel?
What Visionary Boundaries come up as you tune into your big vision and future self?
Want support in clarifying your boundaries and standards + the systems to support them? Join me at the Queen Level Standards Workshop happening soon!